Karachi Berita TKP_Com Founder and President of the 202 State World Peace Committee HE Mr. Djuyoto Suntani on Sunday (11/10/2020) afternoon at 18.00 Karachi Pakistan time (at 21.00 WIB), inaugurated and opened a new office of the World Peace Committee in Karachi, Pakistan.
New office address: H-1/1, Khokhrapar, Dahana Stop, Malir Karachi, Pakistan, Phone: 03002240765, 03052593568 and Samdani Hospital A-560 Block # 5, Gulshan E Iqbal Karachi 75300 Pakistan, Phone: 03082224444, Email: worldpeacepakistan @ outlok.com.
The Ambassador of the World Peace Committee for Pakistan HE Mr. Muhammad Qamar together with his team who tirelessly arranged the inauguration of the new office, so that the event was a success.
World President HE Mr. Djuyoto Suntani who did not come to Karachi, Pakistan, delivered the opening speech via video conference. The board of the World Peace Committee in Karachi, through the camera, showed the President Djuyoto Suntani room, meeting room, rest room and all other rooms and facilities.
The Ambassador of the World Peace Committee HE Muhammad Qamar Wakari introduced the Management of the World Peace Committee in Karachi, Pakistan, to the World President Mr. Djuyoto Suntani.
The event was warm and successful. World President Mr. Djuyoto Suntani warmly greeted all administrators of the World Peace Committee in Karachi, Pakistan. The world’s greatest figure born in Jepara, Java Tebgah, Indonesia hopes that with a new office, the administrators of the World Peace Committee will get new energy, new enthusiasm, new success, new happiness.
The highest leader in the office of the World Peace Committee Pakistan is HE Mr. Shaikh Waqar Ahmed Rehamni. He is an important and respected figure in Pakistan.
The inauguration ceremony was closed with a prayer together. After the prayer, the Management of the World Peace Committee in Karachi, Pakistan, conveyed their enthusiasm for the glory of the World Peace Committee. They all miss World President HE Mr. Djuyoto Suntani to immediately visit the new office in Karachi Pakistan. @red